Oct 7, 2008

Knowing Neighbors Is Key To Home Safety

My family was recently awoken late one evening to the sights and sounds of a police car parked directly in front of our home with lights ablaze. Is there an emergency at the neighbor’s house? Is the officer here to see us? Moments later, we realized the officer had pulled a car over in front of our home and was using his loud speaker to instruct the driver to exit his car.

This got me thinking about neighborhood safety and what I would/could do in the case of an emergency with my family or a neighboring family. My neighbors and I may only talk in passing and witness each other’s daily comings and goings from a distance, but there is comfort to be had in knowing the faces, kids, pets and cars of who belongs on my street – and who doesn’t. In my opinion, this is more powerful than the most sophisticated
home security system.

- Orlando Neighborhood Watch
- Orange County Neighborhood Programs & Services
- Seminole County Community Service & Crime Prevention

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